Cube Two X
Product line
Cube SeriesSuitable for
Minimalist Life Style LivingDesign
Futuristic, StreamlinedIntroducing
As a new extension to the Cube 2 series, C2X enhances the coherence and visual interaction with its surroundings by installing French windows and a long horizontal window. The installation of windows brings greater charm to the entire space, flooding it with natural light and giving you a more open view while enjoying the scenery around you. The breakthrough long horizontal glass panel window installation technology to meet light requirements, while the height of the window is better proportioned to the outer wall, which increases privacy and thus providing a more comfortable space.

The usual futuristic sustainability style of the Cube series while adding more space to the design and emphasizing the functionality of the space and high-tech convenience furniture.
Space is 30% larger than Cube 2

A futuristic and modern era house tailored to your needs
The installation of windows brings greater charm to the entire space
The breakthrough long horizontal glass panel window installation technology to meet light requirements