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Why Choosing to Raise Kids in a Tiny Home Is Perfect for Close-Knit Families

Published on: 31 May 2024 (Fri)
Why Choosing to Raise Kids in a Tiny Home Is Perfect for Close-Knit Families

Sprawling households make families get used to not spending time together. If you’re almost always in the same room, you’ll want to find ways to have fun as a family. Tiny homes are great places for family game nights and deep conversations. The extra bonding will improve your relationships while creating opportunities to teach your children about why sustainability matters.

1. You’ll Use Less Electricity

Affordable electric bills are a significant benefit of moving into a tiny home. Less extensive floor plans require 60% less energy than bigger households. Your HVAC unit won’t need much power to heat and cool your house every day. You may even save more power if you’re raising kids in a small house designed with energy efficiency in mind.

Well-designed, eco-friendly homes reduce electricity in other ways as well. You could select a model that comes with energy-efficient appliances and tech that uses modern hardware to function on less power. Spend time researching your tiny home model options before your move. You’ll confidently pick the most sustainable model that matches your budget.

2. Your Family Will Learn to Minimize Resource Usage

It’s much easier to overuse household resources if there’s an abundance of supplies nearby. Your children may not care about how much toilet paper they use when a 16-pack sits on the toilet tank lid.

Tiny homes swap multiple closets for creative storage solutions. Your family will quickly learn how to make resources like toilet paper and paper towels last longer because you may not have as much in storage. You’ll save money on grocery bills and reduce your family’s weekly waste. It all starts by raising your kids in a modernized, close-knit space.

3. Your Children Will Have More Reason to Go Outside

Some families live in houses with separate bedrooms for each child and an extra playroom. Your future tiny household might not have extra room for playtime. Your little ones will have more reason to spend time outside to gain the space they need for their toys. They may even become less fans of screen time as their preferred form of entertainment.

Prioritizing outside time means you can invest in things that make the outdoors appealing. You might build a play set next to your house so your children have additional ways to stay busy in the fresh air. The extra entertainment could help them get 60 minutes of daily activity, which experts recommend for young people of all ages. It all depends on how much yard space you have around your tiny home.

4. Your Children May Start Appreciating Nature

Playing outside means your children will appreciate nature more than if they spent all of their time on the couch. They’ll come to love the sound of birds and the relaxing feel of a cool breeze while they swing. When the world becomes their playroom, they’ll care more about the things hurting that world. They might get personally invested in your sustainable habits and carry them into their adult years after graduating high school.

5. You’ll Get Everyone More Involved in Keeping Things Clean

Mess is difficult to ignore when raising kids in a small house. Some people might think that’s a downside to choosing a tiny house, but it’s a unique opportunity. Messes like spilled juice on your counters can’t remain long when you need that space for other uses. It may bother your family members enough to get involved in household chores. Ultimately, everyone learns lessons about responsibility and helping others.

Cleaning frequently also supports your family’s well-being. If you have pets, vacuuming more often prevents their dander from irritating everyone’s lungs and causing symptoms like coughing. Reducing food on the counter eliminates mold spores that could take root. If your children help keep your tiny home clean, everyone will stay healthy and less stressed.

6. Your Sustainable Lifestyle Will Get Extra Creative

Small living spaces encourage people to get creative with their routines. It’s a great chance to improve your sustainable efforts as well. Big families with small trash cans might take the garbage out every day. You could reduce your plastic bag usage by installing a compost bin outside your house. You’d minimize how often you take the trash out and reduce your planetary impact by keeping waste out of landfills.

Space-saving efforts could become a priority as well. Your family might swap plastic containers with glass jars that stack to maximize your space. You’d use less plastic in your household while utilizing your storage space to the best of your ability. These changes might not otherwise happen in a more extensive household.

7. You’ll Encourage Everyone to Hang Out Together More Often

Sprawling households make families get used to not spending time together. If you’re almost always in the same room, you’ll want to find ways to have fun as a family. Tiny homes are great places for family game nights and deep conversations. The extra bonding will improve your relationships while creating opportunities to teach your children about sustainability.

8. You’ll Teach Your Family to Be Content

People of all ages encounter messaging designed to drive them to buy extra things. Overconsumption is a standard part of modern life, especially in the home. Research shows that 50-80% of natural resource use occurs due to global household consumption rates.

There’s less drive to buy things all the time if you don’t have as much room for them. Your family will think less about buying things as often, teaching them to be content with what they have. It’s one of the unexpected benefits of raising kids in a small house. If they don’t make constant purchases, they’ll form good financial habits before reaching adulthood.

Consider a Tiny Home Future for Your Family

Tiny homes are an excellent opportunity for families. You could enjoy these benefits of raising kids in a small house just by carving your own path. Your loved ones will grow closer and you’ll better support your sustainable values.

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