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Moreby Beth Rush
Having your own tiny home can be quite a cozy experience, as the whole place can feel like a whole personal nook. However, as comfortable as it can be, it’s important to remember your health and security. Indoor air quality is a critical topic in many households, and the tiny home is no exception.
Various factors can make the atmosphere in your home hard to breathe in or downright toxic. According to the World Health Organization, household air pollution is responsible for 3.2 million deaths yearly in 2020. And even if the effects don’t reach that extreme level, there’s still the danger of respiratory problems.
In small-scale buildings like tiny homes, it’s even more imperative to take care of household air pollution. Unfortunately, the problem is that most of these toxins are colorless and odorless, so it can be tough to determine whether your air quality is at an optimal level or not.
In those cases, it’s best to conduct indoor air quality testing to see the condition of your tiny home. Get an indoor air quality monitor that can check for any presence of carbon monoxide and radon. At the same time, perform suitable measures to keep your household breathable.
It’s best to improve indoor air quality to keep your household comfortable. This is especially true for people who may already have existing respiratory issues.
Certain furniture, building materials and other products can produce VOCs or volatile organic compounds. These carbon particles can be quite a health concern for occupants, and they are a thousand times higher in concentration when indoors.
Be mindful of the material that you include in your interior design. For instance, certain paints may have a high VOC concentration. Try to look at more sustainable alternatives that will not result in any chemical emissions in your home.
Every home needs proper ventilation to ensure that air is circulating throughout the building. An HVAC expert can figure out the best system for your home’s layout and provide a good level of indoor air quality.
You can also invest in more windows. By having these openings, you can remove any stuffiness from your home. Just be mindful of the placement and materials that will go into having window additions to your home.
Many people may use products that can damage their indoor air quality, whether it’s done consciously or not. Here are some examples:
A dirty home environment can throw your tiny home into chaos. Apart from being a sore eye, it brings in indoor allergens like dust and mites. Certain surfaces like carpets will harbor these pollutants before releasing them into the air.
It’s essential to make a habit of cleaning and organizing your home. Vacuum the floor of your home and properly disinfect the space regularly. Take your rugs to shake them outside. You can also conduct a deep clean every now and then.
Greenery has always been known for protecting air quality outdoors, but it can also do the same indoors. Certain houseplants can supply oxygen to your household. They can also remove formaldehyde and benzene from indoor air. All in all, they are a great inclusion to decorate your tiny home with.
Air purifiers are another gadget that will help with your indoor air quality. These devices can help trap air contaminants and supply cleaner air to your space. Plus, since the tiny home has a smaller square footage, you won’t need as many units as a bigger house.
Mildew and mold are common enemies of indoor air quality and usually grow due to poor insulation. It’s important to clear these harmful substances and invest in home insulation material to keep your tiny home free from fungi.
By taking care of the indoor air quality in your tiny home, you can continue your sustainable and comfortable lifestyle. Just remember to take a step or two outside from time to time to feel the outdoor breeze and stretch your legs. Good luck!
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